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Effects of Marijuana

What remains in the system after smoking?

Tetrahydrocannabinol, or THC, is the active ingredient in marijuana that causes a high. It attaches to cannabinoid receptors all over the body and creates feelings of euphoria by changing how sensory information gets into and is processed by your brain. Besides creating this “high,” THC affects memory, thought processing, attention span, and motivation.

THC is detectable in the blood for up to two weeks after use, and it can be detected in urine for up to a month. However, there are ways to detox from marijuana that can help you get THC out of your system faster.

Marijuana detoxification is the process of removing THC and its metabolites from your body. There are many ways to detox from marijuana, but not all are effective or safe. Some people choose to use detox products that can be bought over the counter, while others turn to home remedies like activated charcoal or herbal teas. However, these methods are unreliable and can be dangerous if not done correctly.

The best way to detox from marijuana is to seek professional help. A qualified detox center will have experienced staff who can help you safely remove THC from your system. They will also provide counseling and support to help you stay sober after detox.

Recognizing Marijuana Addiction

There are a few ways to recognize marijuana addiction. The most common way to tell that someone is addicted is by observing their behavior. Noticeable behavior and other signs of marijuana abuse include:

  • Weight gain
  • Slowed reaction time
  • Bloodshot eyes
  • Nervous or paranoid behavior

Friends and family are often the first lines of defense when it comes to recognizing behavioral changes.

Use symptoms

If you are addicted to marijuana, there are certain signs that you may notice in yourself, including:

  • Cravings for marijuana
  • Taking progressively higher doses of the drug
  • Making poor financial decisions to purchase marijuana
  • Using marijuana more often than you intended
  • Involving yourself in risky behavior while under the influence
  • It’s difficult to stop using once you’ve started
  • You might also experience withdrawal symptoms when you try to quit, such as irritability, anxiety, and cravings

Marijuana Withdrawal Symptoms

Withdrawal affects the body in many ways, but not everyone experiences the same symptoms. Some of the most common withdrawal symptoms are:

  • Low appetite
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Restlessness
  • Headaches
  • Mood swings
  • Cravings for marijuana
  • Sweats and chills
  • Depression
  • Nausea
  • Abdominal pain

For the average person, withdrawal symptoms often last for about two weeks. However, for people who have been using marijuana heavily for a long time, the withdrawal process can last up to several months.

Withdrawal from marijuana is rarely deadly, but it can be rather uncomfortable, making quitting difficult.

Marijuana Detox Help

You have a couple of options for detoxing from marijuana, but it’s highly recommended to seek professional help. Some of the benefits of professional help with detox include:

  • Emotional support through counseling
  • Help with marijuana withdrawals
  • Safe environment for you to detox in
  • Having help from a professional to create a recovery plan


This is where you detox, rest, and recover. As you start to feel better, your counselor will discuss the science of addiction so you can better understand its impact.



After stabilization, you can start preparing to establish a new way of living. This phase includes therapy, recovery meetings, and other group activities.



During this phase, patients are stable, hopeful, and in a better place mentally. To help, your counselor will plan activities both off and on campus to help you transition back into normal life.



During the final phase of your treatment, your counselor will help you plan how to stay sober throughout the future. Together, you and your counselor will make a comprehensive plan to guide you through life and recovery.

Risks of home detoxing

It is possible to detox from marijuana at home, but there are a couple of drawbacks. These include:

  • Low chance of long-term sobriety
  • No professional support
  • No help with withdrawals

How to Quit Marijuana

Your options to quit marijuana are:

  • Quitting cold turkey
  • Detoxing yourself with home remedies
  • Quitting marijuana using medication
  • Receiving treatment at a rehab facility

The most effective way to quit for good is by working closely with a professional counselor who has the skill set to help you succeed.



Marijuana has been deemed addictive by the National Institute on Drug Abuse. Your tolerance for the drug will be determined by how your body reacts to THC. If you continue smoking, you will need more and more of the drug to get high enough for it to be pleasurable.


THC is stored in fat cells, and it can take up to three months for your body to clear all traces of the drug from your system. Diet, exercise, and the amount of marijuana you consume all have a factor in this, so there’s no definite answer to how long THC will stay in your body.

Ready to Start Your Marijuana Detox?

Marijuana addiction can have a serious impact on your relationships, your finances, your ability to hold a job, and your long-term health. When you’re ready, NOLA Detox and Recovery Center is standing by to help with your marijuana detox. Contact us today at (504) 446-1111, or visit our campus to get started on your recovery.

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